Pocket Relay and it's new system
Migration from multiple servers to a single HTTP server
This blog post covers my newest advancements in my Pocket Relay project which you can view Here.
How it originally was
Originally the Pocket Relay server was made up of the following servers all combined into a monolithic structure.
This server is what Mass Effect 3 clients connect to initially. Because the Mass Effect 3 servers are distributed and not all 1 central server this is used as a server which always stays at the same domain that being gosredirector.ea.com
. This server then tells all the clients that connect the IP address / Hostname and the port of the server that the client should connect to which changes all the time the addresses often look like the following:
This server requires a fixed port, that port being 42127. If that port was ever changed clients wouldn’t be able to connect
Quality of Service
With the official server there is multiple of these servers that the client connects to in order to figure out which it has the best connection speed to. This server is a UDP server which sends back the clients Public IP address. This is used by the client in order to provide its IP to other players that are connecting to them.
The client is provided the details of this server by the Main server.
These server often have domains similar to the following:
This server handles the bulk of all the server logic like games, matchmaking, player data etc. The client connects to this server after its been provided the address through the Redirector server
This server receives informational messages from the Mass Effect 3 game client. This includes messages for information like when players get kills and the details of each kill. An example of the decoded contents for one of these messages looks like the following:
The above message describes a in game kill by “Jacob” who killed a Cannibal enemy using a M-8 Avenger and then the position of the enemy.
This server uses the reports.tools.gos.ea.com
domain and runs on port 9988
This server is responsible for things like handling the Galaxy At War system and serving assets like the shop assets, and challenge reward banners. On the official server there is actually multiple HTTP servers; The official server has waleu2.tools.gos.ea.com
which is used for the Galaxy At War system and then me3.goscontent.ea.com
which is hosting the assets.
In Pocket Relay this server was repurposed to also be used for a custom Dashboard for managing the server.
How the clients interracted with it
Now in order to make Mass Effect 3 clients work with these unofficial servers I created a Client Setup Tool which would modify the system hosts file to point the gosredirector.ea.com
address to the target unofficial server. This tool also included a way to patch the game using the Binkw32 proxy auto patcher created by Warranty Voider which enabled the game client to skip SSL verification on the servers.
Below is a screenshot of what the client tool looked like:
Now keeping the server structure like this was nice and provided easy setup for those who wanted to connect. However, this structure also had some disadvantages that I will list below:
Lots of ports
The server requried 5 different ports which is a LOT of ports for a server to need open. This makes it very annoying and possibly unsafe to host publicly as you’re required to expose so many ports.
This reason was actually one of the main causes for this new structure and design
Complex Client
The client was quite complex involving multiple steps for patching the game and updating the hosts file and having the user have to remove the hosts edit using the tool every time they wanted to switch back to the official servers or use another EA game.
How it was solved
Below is my process of solving this issue
The original idea
In order to solve these issues I game up with an idea to move the Telemetry, Redirector, and Quality of Service servers to the client rather than having them on the server side. This is because these servers don’t actually require being connect to the server as on the official servers they are also separate parts.
Changing this would also allow the Redirector to use domains rather than only being able to use IP addresses as its target
The original implementation made this possible by looking up the IP address for the domain before using it
While attempting this I ran into a few road blocks, of which the largest was that the server now wasn’t easily able to tell the client where the HTTP server was as it no longer knows what it’s address is relative to the users computer
Previously this wasn’t an issue because the client was setting the
domain to the IP address of the server, This allowed the server to use that domain in place of its public address.
Taking it up a notch
Quickly realizing that this wasn’t going to be something that would work easily I took my ideas back to the drawing board. Early on I had mentioned to a friend of mine that it could be possible to proxy the data which would normally go the Main server over a WebSocket connection which would.
This idea seemed great in theory however I realized that I would have to decode and then re-encoding packets in order to properly send them over the WebSocket protocol, Which would likely create MASSIVE performance bottlenecks along with un-necessary memory usage so that idea seemed off the table.
I decided to look into the WebSocket protocol because I wasn’t sure how it was actually working under the hood. To my surprise I found out that HTTP connections can be directly Upgraded to a raw stream of bytes on the underlying transport using HTTP Upgrade and that WebSockets made use of this with its own protocol.
This sparked an idea which got me thinking “I wonder if its possible for me to upgrade my HTTP connection direcly into a Blaze stream” this would replace the need for any sort of decoding and re-encoding as I would be able to use the upgraded HTTP stream directly.
I got to work on writing an extractor, I took a look at how the Axum framework handled WebSocket Upgrades and found out that Hyper the library which Axum uses nder the hood has a really easy implementation for both server and client side.
Using this new found knowledge I got to work quickly prototyping the new server and client. This process went a lot smoother than I expected and I quickly had a working prototype of the client and the server.
My extractor implementation
use axum::{
http::{Method, StatusCode},
use hyper::upgrade::{OnUpgrade, Upgraded};
use log::debug;
use std::future::ready;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::session::SessionHostTarget;
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum BlazeUpgradeError {
#[error("Cannot upgrade not GET requests")]
#[error("Failed to upgrade connection")]
#[error("Cannot upgrade connection")]
/// Extractor for initiated the upgrade process for a request
pub struct BlazeUpgrade {
/// The upgrade handle
on_upgrade: OnUpgrade,
host_target: SessionHostTarget,
/// HTTP request upgraded into a Blaze socket along with
/// extra information
pub struct BlazeSocket {
/// The upgraded connection
pub upgrade: Upgraded,
pub host_target: SessionHostTarget,
impl BlazeUpgrade {
/// Upgrades the underlying hook returning the newly created socket
pub async fn upgrade(self) -> Result<BlazeSocket, BlazeUpgradeError> {
// Attempt to upgrade the connection
let upgrade = match self.on_upgrade.await {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(_) => return Err(BlazeUpgradeError::FailedUpgrade),
Ok(BlazeSocket {
host_target: self.host_target,
/// Header for the Pocket Relay connection scheme used by the client
const HEADER_SCHEME: &str = "X-Pocket-Relay-Scheme";
/// Header for the Pocket Relay connection port used by the client
const HEADER_PORT: &str = "X-Pocket-Relay-Port";
/// Header for the Pocket Relay connection host used by the client
const HEADER_HOST: &str = "X-Pocket-Relay-Host";
impl<S> FromRequestParts<S> for BlazeUpgrade
S: Send + Sync,
type Rejection = BlazeUpgradeError;
fn from_request_parts<'life0, 'life1, 'async_trait>(
parts: &'life0 mut axum::http::request::Parts,
_state: &'life1 S,
) -> core::pin::Pin<
dyn core::future::Future<Output = Result<Self, Self::Rejection>>
+ core::marker::Send
+ 'async_trait,
'life0: 'async_trait,
'life1: 'async_trait,
Self: 'async_trait,
// Ensure the method is GET
if parts.method != Method::GET {
return Box::pin(ready(Err(BlazeUpgradeError::UnacceptableMethod)));
// Get the upgrade hook
let on_upgrade = match parts.extensions.remove::<OnUpgrade>() {
Some(value) => value,
None => return Box::pin(ready(Err(BlazeUpgradeError::CannotUpgrade))),
// Get the client scheme header
let scheme = parts
.and_then(|value| value.to_str().ok())
.map(|value| value.to_string())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
debug!("Failed to extract scheme");
// Get the client port header
let port: u16 = parts
.and_then(|value| value.to_str().ok())
.and_then(|value| value.parse().ok())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
debug!("Failed to extract port");
if scheme == "https" {
} else {
let host = parts
.and_then(|value| value.to_str().ok())
.map(|value| value.to_string());
let host = match host {
Some(value) => value,
None => return Box::pin(ready(Err(BlazeUpgradeError::CannotUpgrade))),
Box::pin(ready(Ok(Self {
host_target: SessionHostTarget { scheme, host, port },
impl IntoResponse for BlazeUpgradeError {
fn into_response(self) -> axum::response::Response {
(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, self.to_string()).into_response()
and then upgrading clients was as simple as adding a new endpoint to the HTTP server with the following logic.
The code below is snippets from the actual code present in http/routes/server.rs
/// Router function creates a new router with all the underlying
/// routes for this file.
/// Prefix: /api/server
pub fn router() -> Router {
.route("/upgrade", get(upgrade))
static SESSION_IDS: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(1);
/// Route handling upgrading Blaze connections into streams that can
/// be used as blaze sessions
async fn upgrade(upgrade: BlazeUpgrade) -> Result<Response, StatusCode> {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let socket = match upgrade.upgrade().await {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(err) => {
error!("Failed to upgrade blaze socket: {}", err);
Session::create(|ctx| {
// Obtain a session ID
let session_id = SESSION_IDS.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
// Attach reader and writers to the session context
let (read, write) = split(socket.upgrade);
let read = FramedRead::new(read, PacketCodec);
let write = FramedWrite::new(write, PacketCodec);
ctx.attach_stream(read, true);
let writer = ctx.attach_sink(write);
Session::new(session_id, socket.host_target, writer)
.header(header::CONNECTION, HeaderValue::from_static("upgrade"))
.header(header::UPGRADE, HeaderValue::from_static("blaze"))
.map_err(|_| {
error!("Failed to create upgrade response");
Then the client just needed to handle any connections and make a get request which then becomes an upgraded stream that it can pipe all the data through
use crate::{constants::MAIN_PORT, show_error, TARGET};
use reqwest::{
header::{self, HeaderMap, HeaderValue},
Client, Upgraded,
use std::{io, net::Ipv4Addr, process::exit};
use tokio::{
io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt},
net::{TcpListener, TcpStream},
/// Starts the main server proxy. This creates a connection to the Pocket Relay
/// which is upgraded and then used as the main connection fro the game.
pub async fn start_server() {
// Initializing the underlying TCP listener
let listener = match TcpListener::bind((Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, MAIN_PORT)).await {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(err) => {
let text = format!("Failed to start main: {}", err);
show_error("Failed to start", &text);
// Accept incoming connections
loop {
let (stream, _) = match listener.accept().await {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(_) => break,
// Spawn off a new handler for the connection
/// Header for the Pocket Relay connection scheme used by the client
const HEADER_SCHEME: &str = "X-Pocket-Relay-Scheme";
/// Header for the Pocket Relay connection port used by the client
const HEADER_PORT: &str = "X-Pocket-Relay-Port";
/// Header for the Pocket Relay connection host used by the client
const HEADER_HOST: &str = "X-Pocket-Relay-Host";
/// Endpoint for upgrading the server connection
const UPGRADE_ENDPOINT: &str = "/api/server/upgrade";
/// The size of the buffers used for proxying data
const BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 4096;
async fn handle_blaze(client: TcpStream) {
let target = match &*TARGET.read().await {
Some(value) => value.clone(),
None => return,
// Create the upgrade URL
let mut url = String::new();
// Create the HTTP Upgrade headers
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
headers.insert(header::CONNECTION, HeaderValue::from_static("Upgrade"));
headers.insert(header::UPGRADE, HeaderValue::from_static("blaze"));
// Append the schema header
if let Ok(scheme_value) = HeaderValue::from_str(&target.scheme) {
headers.insert(HEADER_SCHEME, scheme_value);
// Append the port header
headers.insert(HEADER_PORT, HeaderValue::from(target.port));
// Append the host header
if let Ok(host_value) = HeaderValue::from_str(&target.host) {
headers.insert(HEADER_HOST, host_value);
// Create the request
let request = Client::new().get(url).headers(headers).send();
// Await the server response to the request
let response = match request.await {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(_) => return,
// Server connection gained through upgrading the client
let server = match response.upgrade().await {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(_) => return,
// Pipe all the content between the client and server
let _ = pipe(client, server).await;
/// Reads all the bytes from the client and the server sending the bytes to
/// the opposite side (i.e. client -> server, and server -> client)
/// `client` The client stream to pipe
/// `server` The server stream to pipe
async fn pipe(mut client: TcpStream, mut server: Upgraded) -> io::Result<()> {
// Buffer for data received from the client
let mut client_buffer = [0u8; BUFFER_SIZE];
// Buffer for data received from the server
let mut server_buffer = [0u8; BUFFER_SIZE];
loop {
select! {
result = client.read(&mut client_buffer) => {
let count = result?;
result = server.read(&mut server_buffer) => {
let count = result?;
The code for the client can be viewed Here and the server Here
How it turned out
With the new structure completely implemented I changed much of how the client looks. The client no longer required the user to press remove for the hosts modification instead now the hosts modification only ever needs to be set to
which means it’s now possible for it to be automatically added and removed for the user. Below is the new design:
Now that the new client is running the servers along with the proxy for the main server its require that this stays running.
With all these improvements the server now only needs to expose 1 port that being the HTTP port. This is amazing seeing that the server previously had to expose 5 different ports.
The benefits of this
This new structure came with many benefits, below are some of the most notable
Only 1 port
The server now only has to expose 1 port which makes the life of the server maintainers much easier and also prevents the security hole of having so many extra ports left open
HTTPs Support
Previously the Main server was not able to be easily secured as it would require lots of extra code to implement TLS for the server and would also require the users to manually specify certificate and private key files.
This all changes now that the entire server runs over HTTP. Due to the server using HTTP upgrades the server can now completely communicate through the HTTP protocol which means the server can be placed behind an NGINX proxy that provides TLS. This effectively gives the server FREE extra security.
Better hosting support
Previously if you wanted to host a Pocket Relay server you would have to get Dedicated, VPS hosting, or something similar in order to be able to expose all the required ports. This all changes with the new server as it only requires an HTTP port. This opens the server up to many hosting options including Google Cloud free container hosting.
Server knowledge
Because of how HTTP upgrades work if the server needs extra information about the client environment it possible to transmit that information through the initial request before the session is created. Previously such things wouldn’t be possible or at least wouldn’t be reliable. This extra knowledge was made use of in order to provide the correct HTTP server details to the client. This was achieved by having the client provide headers containing the server details.